Total found : 291

Selection is based upon financial need, career objectives within the next five to ten years, community involvement, community background, and academic performance. Recipient commits to a one-year service obligation or 100-150 hours voluntee...
Award: $4,500 Total awarded: 38 Deadline: 03/24/2025 (35 days left)
Award: $1,800 Total awarded: 35 School specific : California State University -- Fresno
Applicant must attend school in Southern California, be African-American, Latino, Native American, or other underrepresented ethnic minority, and be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident. Applicant must be enrolled full-time, be employ...
Award: $2,000 Total awarded: 35 Applications: 150 Deadline: 04/01/2025 (43 days left)
Selection is based upon scholastic achievement, career goals, leadership skills, and determination. Scholarship must be used at a four-year college or university in California.
Award: $2,750 Total awarded: 33 Applications: 146 Deadline: 03/01/2025 (12 days left)
Applicant must be a member of an ethnic minority and must be a member of the Student CTA, a member of the CTA, or the dependent child of a CTA member. Applicant must be pursuing a teaching-related career in public education.
Award: $5,000 Total awarded: 30 Applications: 150 Deadline: 03/15/2025 (26 days left)
Applicant must come from a disadvantaged background.
Award: $1,000 Total awarded: 30
Applicant must plan a career in the plastics industry. Financial need must be demonstrated. Three letters of recommendation, transcript, and essay are required. One award is reserved for two applicants from specific western Pennsylvania cou...
Award: $7,500 Total awarded: 30 Applications: 150 Deadline: 01/15/2026 (332 days left)
Priority is given to applicants from the University Park, Los Angeles area. Recipient must contribute at least 20 hours of community service per semester.
Award: $4,000 Total awarded: 30 Deadline: 12/01/2025 (287 days left) School specific : Southern California, University of
Applicant must be a licensed physician graduate who is practicing direct patient care within the state of California.
Award: $105,000 Total awarded: 29 Applications: 64 Deadline: 03/24/2025 (35 days left)
Applicant must be Grange Insurance Group policy holder or the children of a policy holder, and must be a resident of California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, or Wyoming. Selection is based upon: academic ability, community, church, ...
Award: $1,500 Total awarded: 25 Applications: 102 Deadline: 04/15/2025 (57 days left)
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