Disablity Scholarships

Total found : 55

Applicant must be a legal resident of Indiana and be admitted/enrolled in a degree program. Applicant's mother or father must have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, sustained a service-connected death or documented disability...
Award: Not Available School specific : Indiana University - Purdue University -- Fort Wayne
Applicant must be the natural child, legally adopted child, step-child, or spouse of a veteran or service person who has been declared by the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs to be a prisoner of war, missing in action, have died as the ...
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be an incoming freshman or transfer student, with a minimum high school or college GPA of 3.0, who is a Maryland resident with a documented disability and planning to pursue a bachelor's degree full-time. Essay and documentat...
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 1 Deadline: 03/15/2025 (24 days left) School specific : Towson University
Applicant must be a resident of Ohio, be a women of 27 years or older, who has lost their primary means of support through separation, divorce, widowhood or spouse's disability, and who falls within established income guidelines.
Award: Not Available School specific : Toledo, University of
Applicant must be the dependent child or unremarried spouse of a Florida veteran or servicemember who died as a result of service-connected injuries, diseases, or disabilities sustained while on active duty or who have been certified by the...
Award: Not Available Deadline: 04/01/2025 (41 days left) School specific : Academy of Healing Arts, Massage, & Facial Skin Care
Applicant must be the child, stepchild, or non-remarried widow/widower of a veteran or national guardsman killed while in service or having died as a result of service-connected disability. Veteran must have been a Kentucky resident upon en...
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 400 Applications: 475
Applicant must be a veteran with an honorable discharge from the military and have a compensable disability, which is connected to military service. Disability must be rated by the VA as 20% or higher. In certain limited cases, a disability...
Award: Not Available Applications: 58480
Applicant must be a dependent child or spouse of a disabled or deceased from a war-related disability veteran.
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be a the child of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability and who was a Minnesota resident at time of entry into active duty attending an accredited school in Minnesota other than the U of Minnesota System. Appli...
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be an international student, racial minority, aboriginal, or a women student with a disability. Applicant must be enrolled full-time in a four-year undergraduate program and have a minimum 1.0 GPA. Financial need is required....
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 19 Deadline: 10/01/2025 (224 days left) School specific : Ryerson University
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