Barber, Dr Lloyd Cougar Men's Hockey Athletic Award
Amount : $1,000
Awarded to undergraduate or graduate University of Regina student-athlete(s) who meet the following criteria: Member of the University of Regina Cougar Men's Hockey Team who appears on the CIS (Canadian Interuniversity Sport) team eligibility roster in the CIS academic year in which the award is presented. Must be a CIS-eligible athlete, as verified by the Registrar's Office, who has been a full-time student for at least 2 semesters in a CIS academic year at the member institution providing the award. Undergraduate student-athlete must have attained a minimum undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) of 65% in the previous CIS academic year of study. In addition to on-ice performance and academic achievement, particular consideration will be given to community involvement and demonstrated leadership qualities.
Key Facts
Type [?] : |
Award amount : |
(Maximum: $1,000)
School specific [?] : |
, Regina, University of |
Est. Deadline [?] : |
N/A |
Application received [?] : |
Total granted [?] :
Renewable : |
Need to repay : |
Required enrollment : |
Separate Application is required : |
Study Area :
Men's hockey |
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