Fisher Broadcasting Minority Scholarship

Amount : $15,000

Applicant must be involved in broadcasting, marketing, or journalism courses. Applicants must be of non-white origin and must be at least a sophomore (by fall term of scholarship year) enrolled in the following: a broadcast, marketing, or journalism curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree at an accredited four-year college or university. A broadcast curriculum at an accredited community college, transferable to such a four-year baccalaureate degree program. A broadcast curriculum at an accredited vocational-technical school. If you are a permanent resident of the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana tuition may be applied to an out-of-state school. If you are not a permanent resident of the above-mentioned states, tuition must be applied to a school in Washington, Oregon, Idaho or Montana.

Key Facts

Type [?] : Scholarship
Award amount : $15,000 (Minimum: $1,000 ~ Maximum: $15,000)
School specific [?] : Yes ,
Est. Deadline [?] : April 30
04/30/2025 (80 days left)
Application received [?] : 20
Total granted [?] : 5 (25% accepted)
Renewable : Yes Recipient must be enrolled in broadcasting program.
Need to repay : No
Required enrollment : College junior; College senior; College sophomore
Separate Application is required : Yes


GPA : Minimum : 2 ~ Maximum : 4
State : Idaho; Montana; Oregon; Washington
Country : United States
Major : Broadcasting; Journalism; Marketing

Sponsor and Contact Information

Sponsor name : Fisher Communications Inc./Fisher Broadcasting
Sponsor website :
Sponsor address : 100 4th Ave North., Suite 510
Seattle, WA 98109 United States
Sponsor phone : 206 404-7000
Sponsor FAX :
Contact name : Please login to view this information.
Contact email : Please login to view this information.

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