National Education Loan

Amount : $2,500

Applicant must be a full-paid life member of the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary attending a college, university, or vocational school in the United States. One new applicant per family per year will be considered except in the case of multiple births (i.e. twins, triplets).

Key Facts

Type [?] : Loan
Award amount : $2,500
School specific [?] : No
Est. Deadline [?] : April 25
04/25/2025 (74 days left)
Application received [?] : 45
Total granted [?] : 40 (88.89% accepted)
Renewable : Yes Recipients must be enrolled full time and maintain a 2.0 GPA per semester to be considered for renewal.
Need to repay : Yes Billing for repayment will begin 90 days after graduation or immediately upon withdrawal from school. Repayment amounts will be structured so the loans can be paid in full within seven years or less. Under no circumstances will the repayment be less than $75 per month. Loans are interest free.
Required enrollment : College freshman; College junior; College senior; College sophomore
Separate Application is required :


Veteran / Military : Veteran

Sponsor and Contact Information

Sponsor name : Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary
Sponsor website :
Sponsor address : 3725 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, KY 41076 United States
Sponsor phone : 859 442-2069
Sponsor FAX :
Contact name : Please login to view this information.
Contact email : Please login to view this information.

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