Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship

Amount : $500

Applicant must be a resident of Missouri. Applicants must be under the age of 21, unmarried and a descendant of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service. A photocopy of the veteran's discharge or separation notice must accompany the scholarship application. Each school in the State of Missouri may nominate one student to be considered for the award. The nominee will be selected on athletic, scholastic, and leadership abilities. The nominee should be deeply involved in community and school activities. Applicant must use the award as a full-time student at an accredited college or university.

Key Facts

Type [?] : Scholarship
Award amount : $500
School specific [?] : No
Est. Deadline [?] : April 20
04/20/2025 (62 days left)
Application received [?] :
Total granted [?] : 1
Renewable :
Need to repay :
Required enrollment :
Separate Application is required :


Age : Maximum : 20
State : Missouri
Veteran / Military : Veteran

Sponsor and Contact Information

Sponsor name : American Legion - Missouri
Sponsor website :
Sponsor address : PO Box 179
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0179 United States
Sponsor phone : 573 893-2353
Sponsor FAX : 573 893-2980
Contact name : Please login to view this information.
Contact email : Please login to view this information.

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