SPE Foundation Scholarship

Amount : $7,500

Applicant must plan a career in the plastics industry. Financial need must be demonstrated. Three letters of recommendation, transcript, and essay are required. One award is reserved for two applicants from specific western Pennsylvania counties; one award is reserved for an applicant of Mexican heritage who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; one award is reserved for an applicant from California, Oregon, Washington, or Arizona.

Key Facts

Type [?] : Scholarship
Award amount : $7,500 (Minimum: $1,000 ~ Maximum: $7,500)
School specific [?] : No
Est. Deadline [?] : January 15
01/15/2026 (340 days left)
Application received [?] : 150
Total granted [?] : 30 (20% accepted)
Renewable : Yes Recipient must maintain required GPA in major and reapply for renewal.
Need to repay : No
Required enrollment : College freshman; College junior; College senior; College sophomore; Doctoral-level study; Master's-level study; Other postgraduate-level study
Separate Application is required :


Major : Biological and Physical Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Engineering; Engineering, Other; Material Engineering; Plastics Tech./Technician; Polymer Chemistry; Science Technol./Technicians, Other
Study Area : Engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, plastics engineering, plastics technology, polymer science
Citizenship : US
Essay : Essay is required

Sponsor and Contact Information

Sponsor name : Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Foundation
Sponsor website : http://www.4spe.org
Sponsor address : 13 Chruch Hill Road
Newton, CT 06470 United States
Sponsor phone : 203 740-5447
Sponsor FAX : 203 775-8490
Contact name : Please login to view this information.
Contact email : Please login to view this information.

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