William E. Weisel Scholarship

Amount : $1,000

Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student with a minimum 3.0 GPA, who is enrolled in an engineering or technology program in the United States or Canada, with a minimum of 30 college credit hours already completed. Preference will be given to a student seeking a career in robotics or automated systems used in manufacturing. Consideration will be given to students who intend to apply their knowledge in the sub-specialty of medical robotics.

Key Facts

Type [?] : Scholarship
Award amount : $1,000 (Minimum: $1,000)
School specific [?] : No
Est. Deadline [?] : February 1
02/01/2026 (356 days left)
Application received [?] :
Total granted [?] :
Renewable : Yes Reapplication required for renewal.
Need to repay : No
Required enrollment : College freshman; College junior; College senior; College sophomore
Separate Application is required :


GPA : Minimum : 3 ~ Maximum : 4
Country : Canada; United States
Major : Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering Technology; Medical Robotics; Robotics Tech./Technician
Study Area : Automated systems, manufacturing engineering, manufacturing engineering technology, medical robotics, robotics

Sponsor and Contact Information

Sponsor name : Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Education Foundation
Sponsor website : http://www.smeef.org
Sponsor address : One SME Drive, P.O. Box 930
Dearborn, MI 48121 United States
Sponsor phone : 313 425-3300
Sponsor FAX : 313 425-3411
Contact name : Please login to view this information.
Contact email : Please login to view this information.

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