Total found : 238

Selection is based on academic record, personal promise, character, and financial need. Applicant must be employed in the footwear, leather or allied industries for at least 500 hours during the year prior to January 1 or applicant's parent...
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 500 Deadline: 02/16/2025 (6 days left)
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and 30 credits.
Award: $500 School specific : Western Connecticut State University
Applicant must be a graduate of St. Albans High School and major in Nursing.
Award: $1,000 Total awarded: 1 Deadline: 01/15/2026 (339 days left)
Applicant must be an R.N. with an interest in and a commitment to oncology nursing.
Award: $3,000 Total awarded: 1 Deadline: 02/01/2026 (356 days left)
Applicant must be a Carlow University Student who is a Nursing major and who demonstrates academic achievement and financial need. Preference is given to graduates of Norwin High School.
Award: Not Available School specific : Carlow University
Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and be enrolled in a nursing, radiology technology, respiratory therapy, medical technology, physical therapy, physical therapy assistant, occupational therapy, or physician assistant undergraduate prog...
Award: $5,000 Total awarded: 8 Applications: 30 Deadline: 11/30/2025 (293 days left)
Applicant must be a full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Award: $300 Deadline: 03/01/2025 (19 days left) School specific : Mesa State College
Applicant must be an Alabama resident who has lived in-state for at least one year immediately prior to application, have a minimum "B" grade average, and have a minimum composite ACT score of 21 (combined SAT score of 909). Among applicant...
Award: $1,000 Total awarded: 1 Deadline: 12/01/2025 (294 days left) School specific : Alabama, University of
Applicant must be a Maryland resident, have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA, and enroll for at least six credits in a nursing program at a Maryland school.
Award: $4,500 Total awarded: 402 Applications: 814 Deadline: 06/30/2025 (140 days left)
Applicant must be a Maryland resident, be a recipient of a State Nursing Scholarship, attend a Maryland school, and demonstrate financial need. Applicant must file FAFSA by March 1st.
Award: $3,000 Total awarded: 37 Deadline: 06/30/2025 (140 days left)
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