Applicant must be an outstanding cadet in the Army ROTC program.
Award: Not Available
School specific : Toledo, University of
Applicant must be the child of a Mississippi veteran presently or formerly listed as MIA in Southeast Asia who has been a prisoner of a foreign government as a result of the military action against the U.S. naval vessel Pueblo. Applicant is...
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be the child, stepchild, or non-remarried widow/widower of a veteran or national guardsman killed while in service or having died as a result of service-connected disability. Veteran must have been a Kentucky resident upon en...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 400
Applications: 475
Applicant must be the spouse, child or step-child between 17 and 26 years of age (biological or adopted), or non-remarried widow of a permanently and totally disabled war veteran, prisoner of war, or serviceman missing in action. Veteran mu...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 400
Applications: 475
Applicant must be a West Virginia resident, honorably discharged veteran, have served 181 continuous days active military service, be Pell eligible, unemployed, or a federally designated displaced worker, and have exhausted Federal VA Educa...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 250
Applications: 260
Applicant must be a descendant of a veteran honorably discharged from the armed services of the United States. Selection preference is given to descendants from Gilmer County veterans who graduated from Gilmer County High School.
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be a veteran who is a resident of Wisconsin; earn a 2.0 GPA for that semester or course; submit a WDVA Form 2200 or apply online; joint income cannot exceed $50,000 plus $1,000 for each dependent in excess of two dependents.
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be a Vietnam veteran who was a New Mexico resident at the time of entry into the service, has been awarded the Vietnam Campaign or Service Medal, and must attend a state-sponsored school in New Mexico.
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 35
Applications: 37
Applicant must be a New York resident and a Vietnam veteran who served in the U.S. Armed Forces in Indochina between December 22, 1961, and May 7,1975, and has been discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. Applicant must be enro...
Award: Not Available
Deadline: 05/01/2025 (80 days left)
Applicant must be a full-time student (sophomore, junior, or senior) with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA who is an honorably discharged veteran or the kin of an honorably discharged veteran. Selection is based upon financial need, academic a...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 2
Deadline: 04/01/2025 (50 days left)
School specific : Toledo, University of