Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA, have a strong interest in their major, and have financial need.
Award: $1,000
Deadline: 03/02/2025 (20 days left)
School specific : California Polytech State University--San Luis Obispo
Applicant must be a full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Award: $3,000
School specific : California State Polytechnic University -- Pomona
Applicant must be a student attending Dominican University of California and be able to demonstrate financial need and enroll in the Pathways program for adult students.
Award: $3,800
Total awarded: 84
Applications: 149
School specific : Dominican University of California
Applicant must be the child of an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America pastor.
Award: $1,000
School specific : California Lutheran University
Applicant must express an interest in the biomedical industry. Preference is given to underrepresented students.
Award: $12,000
Deadline: 03/02/2025 (20 days left)
School specific : California Polytech State University--San Luis Obispo
Applicant must be a United States citizen and California resident who is enrolled at a college, university, community or junior college, or trade school with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection is based upon character, financial need, need of high...
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 70
Applications: 300
Deadline: 03/10/2025 (28 days left)
Scholarship is for the winners of the state oratorical contest; applicants are selected by schools and participate in district contests, followed by area and departmental finals. Applicant should see his or her local high school counselor f...
Award: $1,000
Total awarded: 6
Applicant must have a minimum 3.3 GPA and a minimum combined (critical reading and math only) SAT score of 1100 (score of 25 or higher on the ACT).
Award: $8,000
School specific : California Lutheran University
Applicant must have a minimum combined SAT score of 1300 and graduate in the top five to ten percent of class.
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 20
Applications: 253
Deadline: 02/01/2026 (356 days left)
School specific : California State University -- Northridge
Applicant must apply to a school located in California or northern Nevada, be a permanent resident of either northern California or northern Nevada, and submit a 500-word essay on "Why I Desire a Profession in the Travel and Tourism Industr...
Award: $2,500
Total awarded: 1
Applications: 10
Deadline: 07/28/2025 (168 days left)