Total found : 235

Applicant must be a United Methodist of racial ethnic minority heritage and must be a recent college or seminary graduate who has broad communications training, including an understanding of effective public relations. Applicant must consid...
Award: $30,000 Deadline: 03/15/2025 (143 days left)
Selection and award amounts are based on academic achievements and contributions to the community, school, and church.
Award: $24,000 School specific : St. Thomas, University of
Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate, a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and be nominated by a minister. FAFSA required.
Award: $23,000 Total awarded: 76 School specific : Chapman University
Applicant must attend scholarship weekend and have an interview.
Award: $19,000 Deadline: 02/01/2025 (101 days left) School specific : Maryville College
Applicant must be a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). M.Div. students in years 1 and 2 must be an Inquirer or Candidate. M.Div. students in year 3 must be a Candidate. Students continuing full-time studies after the M.Div. must be...
Award: $15,000 Total awarded: 250 Deadline: 09/30/2025 (342 days left)
Applicant must have a minimum 3.6 GPA and a minimum combined SAT Reasoning score of 1240 (composite ACT score of 28). Selection is based upon overall academic record and demonstrated leadership qualities in high school, community, and churc...
Award: $15,000 Total awarded: 597 Deadline: 02/15/2025 (115 days left) School specific : Hope College
Applicant must be committed to providing leadership to the MC campus and community and must have an interview. Applicant must be an active member of the Presbyterian Church.
Award: $13,000 Deadline: 02/01/2025 (101 days left) School specific : Maryville College
Applicant must be a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection is based upon academic achievement, competitive essay, financial need, leadership potential, and recommendation by minister or youth minister.
Award: $13,000 Total awarded: 10 Deadline: 02/15/2025 (115 days left) School specific : Wooster, The College of
Applicant must provide leadership and service commitment to the MC campus and community.
Award: $13,000 Deadline: 05/01/2025 (190 days left) School specific : Maryville College
Selection is based upon achievement in an academic area, special talent in the creative arts, demonstrated leadership and service in church, community, or school organizations, or athletic ability.
Award: $10,000 Total awarded: 50 Applications: 150 School specific : Eckerd College
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