Applicant must be a minority student who is United States citizen or permanent resident with a minimum 3.0 GPA and transferring from a community college.
Award: $3,000
School specific : Florida Atlantic University
Applicant must be African-American, Hispanic American, or Native American. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who is majoring or planning to major in physics, and who is a high school senior, college freshman or sophomor...
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 25
Applications: 100
Deadline: 02/02/2026 (357 days left)
Applicant must be a minority student planning a career in print journalism or advertising. Preference is given to applicants from the St. Petersburg area.
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 3
School specific : Florida, University of
Applicant must be an R.N. with an interest in and a commitment to oncology nursing and be of a minority racial/ethnic background.
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 2
Deadline: 02/01/2026 (356 days left)
Applicant must be a racial or ethnic minority student who in the fall of 2010, will be enrolled in either the third or fourth year of an accredited B.S.N. program in the United States; in an accelerated program leading to a B.S.N degree (su...
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 3
Deadline: 02/01/2026 (356 days left)
Applicant must be a minority student, be from the Jacksonville, North Florida, or South Georgia area, and be planning a career in newspaper advertising or print journalism.
Award: $3,000
School specific : Florida, University of
Applicant must be a senior, underrepresented minority student enrolled in an accredited United States medical school. Applicant must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement as indicated in academic transcripts, faculty evaluations, by ...
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 1
Applicant must be a minority woman with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Applicant must demonstrate leadership ability and be in an ABET-accredited engineering program, engineering at SWE-approved institution, or computer science in a CSAB-accredited pro...
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 2
Deadline: 02/01/2026 (356 days left)
Applicant must be a minority student from the Jacksonville or Miami area.
Award: $3,000
Total awarded: 4
School specific : Florida, University of
Applicant must be an underrepresented minority (African American, Latino, or American Indian) student who is looking to pursue a bachelor of science degree in computer science, computer engineering, or electrical engineering at an HP schola...
Award: $3,000
School specific : California, University of, Los Angeles