Total found : 335

Classical style composition of four to six minutes is required.
Award: $1,000 Total awarded: 8 Applications: 30
Applicant must have strong management skills and musical knowledge and be committed to pursuing a career in orchestra management. Applicant must demonstrate leadership, organizational, and communication skills, maturity, confidence, and the...
Award: $15,000 Total awarded: 8
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate talent with bowed string instruments. Selection is based upon competitive audition and recommendations by music instructors.
Award: $2,500 Total awarded: 8 Applications: 11 Deadline: 02/15/2025 (6 days left) School specific : Beloit College
Applicant must be majoring or planning to major in the field of visual arts, such as painting, drawing, sketching, sculpture and other creative arts (excluding music or the performing arts). Applicant must graduate from high school before J...
Award: $2,000 Total awarded: 8 Applications: 80 Deadline: 03/01/2025 (20 days left)
Audition is required.
Award: $2,000 Total awarded: 8 School specific : Seton Hill University
For music, award is based upon the audition for acceptance. For art, award is based upon a portfolio that must be presented to the department. For theatre, the award is dependent upon previous acting experience and a written statement.
Award: $3,000 Total awarded: 8 Applications: 102 School specific : Messiah College
Selection is based upon audition.
Award: $2,000 Total awarded: 8 Applications: 51 Deadline: 02/08/2026 (364 days left) School specific : Wisconsin Lutheran College
Applicant must be a graduate student with a major in the field of art, architecture, dance, landscape architecture, music, theatre and urban and regional planning.
Award: $22,000 Total awarded: 6 Deadline: 12/01/2025 (295 days left) School specific : Illinois, University of, Urbana-Champaign
Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, combined SAT score of 1200 (composite ACT score of 27), and rank it the top tenth of class. Audition with Music Department is required as part of the final selection process.
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 6 Deadline: 03/01/2025 (20 days left) School specific : Asbury College
Applicant must intend to make music a central part of their life and submit an audio cassette. Applicant should send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with request for competition announcement or visit sponsor's website for more informatio...
Award: $4,000 Total awarded: 6 Applications: 60 Deadline: 03/15/2025 (34 days left)
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