Total found : 238

Award: Not Available Total awarded: 28 School specific : Missouri, University of, Columbia
Applicant must be enrolled in six credits per semester.
Award: $1,400 Total awarded: 26 Applications: 28 Deadline: 07/01/2025 (132 days left)
Applicant must demonstrate a dedication to oncology nursing and a commitment to obtaining or renewing oncology nursing certification.
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 25 Deadline: 12/01/2025 (285 days left)
Applicant must be referred by a chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority. Selection is based upon financial need, scholastic ability, interest in nursing, and leadership potential.
Award: $2,000 Total awarded: 25 Deadline: 02/28/2025 (9 days left)
Applicant must be a licensed vocational nurse graduate who is practicing direct patient care. Program looks to increase the number of registered nurses practicing in medically underserved areas of California.
Award: $10,000 Total awarded: 25 Deadline: 03/24/2025 (33 days left)
Selection is based upon description of career goals, volunteer and work experience, awards/honors, letters of recommendation, transcript, class rank, GPA, and financial need. Applicant must be enrolled full-time in an approved nursing or ot...
Award: $500 Total awarded: 25 Applications: 46 Deadline: 07/01/2025 (132 days left)
Applicant must be a registered nurse seeking advanced preparation for a full-time position in supervision, administration, or teaching with a direct relationship to lung and respiratory control.
Award: $2,500 Total awarded: 22 Deadline: 05/15/2025 (85 days left)
Applicant must be an American Indian in financial need, have career goals related to his or her people, and be attending an accredited nursing school. Applicant must submit two letters of recommendation.
Award: $2,250 Total awarded: 22 Applications: 60
Selection is based upon work experience in a medically underserved area, financial need, professional goals within the next five to ten years, community service and membership organizations, and community background. Recipient commits to pr...
Award: $8,000 Total awarded: 21 Applications: 98 Deadline: 03/24/2025 (33 days left)
Applicant must be currently employed by a nursing facility that is a member of AHCA and must be enrolled in an R.N. or L.P.N. programs, pursuing to further his or her education and practice in the long-term health care profession.
Award: $500 Total awarded: 20 Applications: 300 Deadline: 06/15/2025 (116 days left)
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