Applicant must be a dependent child or spouse of a disabled or deceased from a war-related disability veteran.
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be a the child of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability and who was a Minnesota resident at time of entry into active duty attending an accredited school in Minnesota other than the U of Minnesota System. Appli...
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be a child of a man or woman who died in active federal military service while serving in the armed forces or during active federal military service in the Iowa national guard, or other military components of the U.S. or as a...
Award: $600
Applications: 5
Applicant must be a former member of the Armed Forces who is enrolled in school for three-quarter time or more and in receipt of VA educational assistance under one of the following: Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational Assistance (VEAP),...
Award: Not Available