Applicant must be a resident of Minnesota and currently attending a Minnesota institution. Award is to enable a medical student to participate in health research at a Minnesota institution and to explore the field of research.
Award: $1,200
Total awarded: 1
Deadline: 04/01/2025 (50 days left)
Applicant must be a medical student, early in their training, with an interest in aging-related research geriatrics.
Award: $5,193
Deadline: 02/06/2026 (361 days left)
Applicant must be enrolled in a U.S. medical or dental school, have finished at least one year of the school curriculum, and be sponsored by the pharmacology or clinical pharmacology program in which the investigative project is to be under...
Award: $18,000
Deadline: 09/01/2025 (203 days left)
Applicant must plan to earn an M.D. Applicant must have a strong secondary school academic record and a record of extracurricular activities and leadership.
Award: $5,000
Total awarded: 4
Applications: 230
Deadline: 01/31/2026 (355 days left)
School specific : East Carolina University
Applicant must be attending an American Library Association-accredited, graduate library school with at least half of the program completed and must submit a statement of career objectives. Selection is based upon excellence in scholarship ...
Award: $5,000
Total awarded: 1
Deadline: 12/01/2025 (294 days left)
Applicant must be Asian, black, Hispanic, Native American, or Pacific Islander, be entering an American Library Association-accredited graduate library school, and have at least one half of his or her academic requirements to complete durin...
Award: $5,000
Total awarded: 1
Deadline: 12/01/2025 (294 days left)
Applicant must be a student pursuing a profession in the medical field who is sponsored by a local American Legion Auxiliary unit.
Award: $500
Total awarded: 10
Applications: 25
Deadline: 03/15/2025 (33 days left)
Applicant must be Asian, Black, or Hispanic, and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selection is based upon academic achievement and potential for college success.
Award: $1,000
Total awarded: 4
School specific : Indiana University -- Northwest
Applicant must be a student member of AMWA.
Award: $5,000
Total awarded: 30
Applications: 25
Deadline: 04/30/2025 (79 days left)
Applicant must be a resident of Michigan who ranks in the top quarter of their graduating class, is planning to attend a Michigan school, and who is the child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of an American Legion member or of someone eligi...
Award: $500
Total awarded: 15
Applications: 200
Deadline: 03/15/2025 (33 days left)