Applicant needs a strong academic record and programs, co-curricular activities and special talents, achievements and consistent involvement in such areas as art, band, communications/media, community service, creative writing, dance, debat...
Award: $5,000
Total awarded: 58
Deadline: 12/31/2025 (325 days left)
School specific : Notre Dame of Maryland, College of
Applicant must demonstrate competence and participation in one of various activity areas, including art, music, sports, and theatre.
Award: $9,000
Total awarded: 550
School specific : Northwestern College (Iowa)
Applicant must rank in the top fifth of class, must have a minimum combined SAT Reasoning score of 1100 and a minimum Theory Placement Test score of 80. Audition for department admission is required.
Award: $1,000
Total awarded: 1
School specific : Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Applicant must submit a VHS audition tape and demonstrate strength in piano/keyboard, percussion, bass guitar/lead guitar, vocal, and student directorship.
Award: $500
School specific : SUNY Cortland
Applicant must be a member of the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra.
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be a state or Baptist All-State Band and Choir member with a major or minor in music.
Award: $250
School specific : Howard Payne University
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate a high level of musicianship, scholarship, and leadership. Preference is given to the child of alumni.
Award: $500
Deadline: 02/01/2026 (357 days left)
School specific : Bowling Green State University
Classical style composition of four to six minutes is required.
Award: $1,000
Total awarded: 8
Applications: 30
Applicant must be a pupil of a member of the American College of Musicians and the National Guild of Piano Teachers, must have entered auditions with a 10-piece program for a minimum of 10 years, must have been a Paderewski Medal Winner and...
Award: $100
Total awarded: 150
Deadline: 09/15/2025 (218 days left)
Applicant must be in need of financial aid and must be a music major
Award: Not Available
School specific : LaGrange College