Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, meet medical and physical qualifications, and be eligible for commissioning prior to age 27. High school applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA, rank in the top two-fifths of class, and have a minimum compos...
Award: Not Available
Deadline: 12/01/2025 (294 days left)
School specific : Oklahoma, University of
Applicant must be an incoming freshman student who has the intent to major in humanities, biomedical engineering, natural sciences, or social sciences.
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 20
Deadline: 01/15/2026 (339 days left)
School specific : Washington University in St. Louis
Applicant must be a resident of Delaware and a first year medical student. Good moral character and citizenship must be demonstrated.
Award: Not Available
Deadline: 04/12/2025 (61 days left)
Applicant must be the dependent child or spouse of a 9/11 victim, including airplane crew and passengers, World Trade Center and Pentagon workers and visitors, and relief workers, including firefighters, emergency medical personnel and law ...
Award: Not Available
Deadline: 06/15/2025 (125 days left)
Applicant must qualify medically and academically for this award. Applicant must have a minimum ACT score of 25 and a minimum 3.25 high school GPA. for university-funded room and board scholarship consideration.
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 15
Deadline: 01/15/2026 (339 days left)
School specific : Truman State University
Applicant must be a certified SCUBA diver between the ages of 21 and 24 (by March 1), have a good academic record, and pass a medical physical exam. Applicant should be interested in a career in an underwater field. Applicant must pass or h...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 1
Deadline: 12/31/2025 (324 days left)
Applicant must be an adult learner pursuing a medical, nursing, or business degree. FAFSA and Student Aid Report are required. Award amount is determined by committee.
Award: Not Available
Deadline: 02/10/2025 (Today!)
Applicant must have graduated from medical school on or after June 1980, be a U.S. or Canadian resident, be nominated, and submit a curriculum vitae, reprints of up to three publications illustrating the applicant's most important contribut...
Award: Not Available
Deadline: 12/10/2025 (303 days left)
Selection is based upon admission rating. Award is in Canadian dollars.
Award: Not Available
School specific : Calgary, University of
Applicant must be a medical student who is the child of an international missionary and plans to go into international missions. Applicants majoring in nursing, dentistry, or pharmacy will also be considered.
Award: Not Available
Applications: 85
Deadline: 03/01/2025 (19 days left)