Medical Scholarships

Total found : 170

Applicant must be nominated by December 31 and must have shown exceptional leadership skills in AMWA. Applicant must have been an active member for at least five years.
Award: Not Available Deadline: 12/31/2025 (317 days left)
Applicant must demonstrate a concern for the community as evidenced by consistent commitment to volunteerism. Applicant must graduate from Westerly High School and wish to pursue a career in the culinary arts or emergency services, such as ...
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be enlisted on active duty with a minimum of two years on active duty as of date of discharge, and meet medical and administrative requirements. Selection is based upon academic performance and leadership potential.
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 250 Deadline: 03/15/2025 (26 days left) School specific : Oklahoma, University of
Applicant must be a Tennessee resident and United States citizen who is the dependent child of a law enforcement officer, fireman, or emergency medical technical who was killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty while employed in T...
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 30 Applications: 40 Deadline: 07/01/2025 (134 days left)
Applicant must be enrolled full-time at a Tennessee postsecondary institution. Applicant must be dependent of law enforcement officers, firemen or emergency medical technicians who were killed or disabled in the line of duty while employed ...
Award: Not Available Deadline: 07/15/2025 (148 days left)
Applicant must be interested in biology or pre-medical fields and have good communication and written skills. Project Dive Exploration data collection is prospective, observational study of safety in recreational diving, the effects of age,...
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 1 Applications: 15 Deadline: 01/31/2026 (348 days left)
Applicant must reside or be employed in Lorain County desiring aid for initial and advanced medical education or be pursuing education and training in all fields of medicine. FAFSA, Student Aid Report, and tax forms are required.
Award: Not Available Deadline: 02/10/2026 (358 days left)
Applicant must be an Army Reserve student and meet medical and administrative requirements. Selection is based upon academic performance and leadership potential.
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 8 Deadline: 03/01/2025 (12 days left) School specific : Oklahoma, University of
Applicant must be a high school senior and complete medical and administrative requirements. Selection is based upon academic performance and leadership potential.
Award: Not Available Total awarded: 2 Deadline: 11/15/2025 (271 days left) School specific : Oklahoma, University of
Applicant must be a graduate of an Adams, Allen, or Huntington County, IN high school and plan to become a medical doctor. First-time student applicants must rank in top tenth of secondary school class and have a minimum combined SAT score ...
Award: Not Available Deadline: 03/31/2025 (42 days left) School specific : Indiana University - Purdue University -- Fort Wayne
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