Applicant must attend school in the same state as the sponsoring Auxiliary and submit artwork for a creative, patriotic art competition.
Award: $10,000
Total awarded: 4
Applications: 8586
Deadline: 03/31/2025 (42 days left)
Applicant must be a former member of the Armed Forces who is enrolled in school for three-quarter time or more and in receipt of VA educational assistance under one of the following: Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational Assistance (VEAP),...
Award: Not Available
Applicant must be an Illinois resident attending school in Illinois, and submit ACT scores, transcripts, rank in class, and tax forms. Applicant must be a Worchid, which means the child of a deceased veteran who served after September 15, 1...
Award: $100
Total awarded: 4
Applicant must be the child, grandchild, niece, or nephew of an Army service woman and must submit documentation of sponsor's military service. Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and be enrolled full time in a four-year program at an acc...
Award: $1,500
Total awarded: 1
Applications: 21
Deadline: 05/01/2025 (73 days left)
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and a resident of Arizona for at least one year. Preference is given to honorably discharged veterans or immediate family members. Selection is based upon scholarship, character, financial need, and leadersh...
Award: $1,000
Total awarded: 3
Applications: 6
Applicant must be an Illinois resident attending school in Illinois, be single, be the child of a veteran, and submit ACT scores, transcripts, rank in class, and tax forms.
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 1
Deadline: 03/01/2025 (12 days left)
Applicant must be an Illinois resident attending school in Illinois, be single, be the child of a veteran, and submit ACT scores, transcripts, rank in class, and tax forms.
Award: $750
Total awarded: 1
Deadline: 03/01/2025 (12 days left)
Applicant must be a child of a man or woman who died in active federal military service while serving in the armed forces or during active federal military service in the Iowa national guard, or other military components of the U.S. or as a...
Award: $600
Applications: 5
Applicant must be between 16 and 23 years old, who is a West Virginia resident attending a state-supported college. Applicant must be the dependent of a wartime veteran who died either on active duty or as a result of injury or illness incu...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 35
Applications: 36
Applicant must be the child of a veteran who died during wartime service or from an illness or injury resulting from wartime service. Applicant must be between ages 16 to 23, a West Virginia resident, attend a state-supported school in West...
Award: Not Available
Total awarded: 40
Applications: 28